We go over to a friends BBQ. He usually hosts monthly fetish parties but today we are attempting to break the current record of how many people we can get in a giant balloon. Though some people didn’t show up for the practice session we did get 4 woman a one man not only all in the balloon but also back out of it as well. It was quite impressive. Elli and I went back home and had awesome sex not as rough as we would have liked but I’m still healing from my injury.
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
Saturday April 24, 2010 -Intensely Loved
I’m still stressed and tired. I seriously wonder if I made the right choice about moving in with Elli. Don’t get me wrong I love Elli very much but I’m missing my alone time. Despite my seconded thoughts Elli makes me feel very, very loved as if I were the center of her universe. I’ve never been loved that intensely before.
Friday April 23, 2010-Moving Day
Today’s the day. The sky is over cast with doubt and tears fall from the heavens as if saying farewell to an angel. The cold winds of Hell blow in a random dance of new beginnings. Amy who is Elli’s girlfriend is kind enough to give us a hand, as is Jerry, one of our friends. Both Evey and LaShonda are at work so can’t attend the move. Lot’s of rain pour down on us then our reservation got screwed up. We had 12 hours and UHaul decided to shorten that to 8 on the spot. Initially UHaul said we could use a gift card but when we got there they said we couldn’t. Then we had to stop twice at ATM machines to get more money for two more money orders. We get to Elli house and everyone is late the stuff we need to move is blocked by other items. I’m thinking are you fucking serious? Everyone shows and I’ve already loaded the truck. We get down to the apartment community and have to fill out gobs of paperwork and say 3 Hail Mary’s before we get the first load out of the truck. I’m on a mission from god, rain, snow, shine or slow movers are not going to detour me from my quest. Come Hell or high water I’m getting this shit moved in the 6 hours we have left! I take the truck back to my place where I single handedly pack half the truck by myself. The rest of the group shows up and we load the rest in with not too much time to spare. We get to the complex and a plumbers truck is blocking the area that I need to unload. He says he only does this twice a year and today’s the day! He’ll be here at least 8 hours. “Well fuck me a Jackalope on a cold winters eve.” I go around the block because I can’t back up from where I’m at and pull up to a similar spot looking for a place to unload. Jerry and Elli are there now and they have talked to the plumber and he has decided to move after all! We have a few hours left and a completely full truck to unload. Stress pours down my face faster then the rain. I move like a mad man on a mission and stuff starts flying off the truck. Soon Jerry has to leave and we still have more to do, time is a ticking. By 3:30 everything that was in the truck is now in the apartment. We have to pick up Elli’s car and get gas for the UHaul. Some how, some way, we did the impossible and got the truck back on time! Talk about STRESS! We go back to the apartment and start unpacking, box after box after box. Elli and Amy eventually crash in Elli’s bed to tired to have sex they crash hard and fast. I stay up for a few more hours unpacking then masturbate in hopes that it will relax me enough to sleep. It does for a few hours but then I’m wide awake again and start unpacking more stuff. It going to be a long day.
Thursday April 22, 2010- Hyper Overdrive
Spent the day with Elli in hyper overdrive tying up loose ends and doing last minute packing silently cursing under my breath that I should have had all this crap packed up a few days ago… Fuck is all I have to say and as it turns out that’s exactly what we ended up doing since this evening officially marked the last chapter in the Darken Chamber stories. Despite the sever injury that I experienced my stamina and lust for life are coming back with a mighty vengeance! Nothing better then indulging in the fleshly life with someone you love with a burning intensity.
Sunday, April 18, 2010
Saturday April 17th, 2010-Fee day
Elli spent the night with Amy and they had a good time making pizza and watching movies. I had a free day and hight all to myself that was great! I did a run around the parks, then back home did some core work then went to the gym and did a lower body workout. I came home and packed a ton of more stuff up. I took a shower fixed some dinner afterwards I watched a documentary on the Mormon’s then did took a tutorial on-line for photo shop and look up some other photo-shop links that might be help with the Razor Girl project. I read through some blogs and emailed Reene. She’s in Spain this time around as she counties to tour Europe. I can’t wait until she gets back. I miss our talks and her company. I read more of Serial Killers finally finishing the chapter on Ted Bundy and began the chapter on John Wayne Gacy. Then I read more of Razor Wire Pubic Hair by Carlton Mellick III and then finished up the night reading more of Ender’s Game.
Friday April 16, 2010
I’ve tried for weeks to get Elli to go to Shudder Island but she’s been hesitant because she doesn’t like scary movies, she barely made it through the Crazies holding on tightly to my arm with her head turned away from the screen. Since Evey and Ana were both at work I decided to go by myself. The movie wasn’t bad though I new the ending 15 minutes into it but it did give me some ideas that I might be able to incorporate in the Dr. Monroe story.
Thursday April, 15, 2010- Setting the record straight
Today was Elli’s day off and we went back over some general guidelines and boundaries for the new apartment. We have separate bedrooms and bathrooms on opposite sides of the apartment but in a poly-relationship you need to go over things like who can spend the night and when, giving the other person privacy and talk about shared time and activities. Elli is extremely flexible as far as comfort and personal limits are concern. She generally works around her boyfriends-girlfriend comfort levels and limitations.
We redid her sale ad for her car and got the electricity switched over to the new apartment. On the way back from an errand Elli got very upset about a conversation concerning we were having about coming out to her family. Her brother whom she was open and honest with and normally had a good relationship with had a complete melt down last week though he has known about her lifestyle for several months. Her brother brought the parents into it but out right lied about everything and somehow I got blame for everything. I wanted Elli to set the record straight and tell the truth to her parents about her poly-lifestyle long before she met me and about her BDSM life style again something she was pursing before she we had ever met. I also wanted her parent’s to know that I don’t use her money nor have I isolated her from them or her church. Elli’s parents are fundamental Christians and believe that I gave Elli a mental illness and with the help of the family and some divine intervention she can be cured. I don’t care if her parents judge or criticize me so long as it’s based on fact rather then her brothers fictional account. Since Elli’s lifestyle is completely out in the open it’s time for her to set the record straight. Elli prefers to avoid conflict (though she’s getting better at this) but this subject is too important to be avoided and this was what I was trying to stress. I ended up dropping her off at my house and did the rest of the errands by myself. Latter we talked more about it and she got spoke with her father and got his email address so she can lay it all out.
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
Wednesday April 14, 2010-Ana
Elli is going out with her girlfriend Amy tonight to see her first ever rock concert! Should be good fun for the booth of them. Spoke with Ana this evening she’s down to just two relationships from a high of four. Apparently she broke up with her vanilla boyfriend last night. He was monogamous at heart and he struggled with the whole poly concept and never took to the BDSM lifestyle so they decided to part ways. Ana still has a girlfriend and a D/s relationship but admitted she will miss the vanilla aspect is going to take the extra time and invest it in herself. I’m glad she called I have missed her very much. Posted my blogs and read through Tahereh’s blog http://stiryourtea.blogspot.com/ and became a follower. This whole community of bloggers, camaraderie and contest is different then what I’m a costumed too but I like it.
Tuesday April 13th-Longing
Elli had to work late this evening but I made her something to eat when she arrived and we talked a bit before heading down stairs and slipping into my tiny bed. We embraced it was a kinship of the flesh. Latter we talked and I expressed to her my longing for our rough sex sessions. We both agreed that we missed that very much but until my injury fully heals the heavy play will have to wait. We talked about adding more role-play into our sex life in the meantime. Hopefully that will make for good writing :)
Monday April 12, 2010 -Meltdown
Elli’s brother had a complete and total meltdown. He can’t come to terms with his older sisters BDSM lifestyle, her poly relationships or the fact that she’s getting a divorce. After her brother threaten both of us he decided to get the rest of the family involved and while they were saner about everything however their concerned. Elli’s parents are conservative Christians and believe she is “sick” and the family will heal her with gods help. Unfortunately Elli will probably have to choose to live her own life and face loosing her family (who she is close too) or live the life that her mother, father and brother has chosen for her. Although Elli had been slowly coming out to her family about her lifestyle she ultimately new that she would eventually have to choose between living a life that wasn’t hers or being true to herself.
I haven’t really every been faced with that issue. My parents were swingers and nudist and so the foundation of an alternative lifestyle was in place long before I ever heard of BDSM or polyamory. My parents were always pretty accepting of my radical ideas and over active imagination so I guess I had it pretty easy in that sense.
Sunday, April 11, 2010-Evey’s birthday party
Ell and I had a good time at Evey’s BDSM birthday party yesterday evening. Although we didn’t stay and play it was fun to catch up with people in the scene who we hadn’t seen in awhile. Being a people watcher it was fun to relax and observe the interaction between of the many people who came to help celebrate. The gothic girl with her pony boots and arms bound behind her back completely incased in leather was very, very sexy. I never really got much into pony play but one of the housemates at the party has his own stable downstairs.
Saturday, April 10, 2010 -Fascinations
I was in Fascinations earlier today shopping for lube when I stumbled upon their selection of BDSM gear thinking silently to myself how mainstream many of the BDSM elements have become and how clever marketers have made some of the equipment so vanilla friendly. Despite the vanilla friendly atmosphere and user-friendly toys a couple happen into the room and stopped dead in their tracks. The lady who was leading stated in a surprised yet dismissive tone, “oh no honey, not in there!” She did an about face and went around the show area. I thought out loud, “Silly girl, you have no idea what you’re missing…”
Friday, April 9, 2010
Friday, April 9, 2010
Spoke with Elli this morning and she said she had a nice evening with Amy. I’m happy for them both and glad they were able to enjoy their evening. I called Evey last night but she didn’t answer so I left her a message. I’ll try her again latter on today. I read some of Beccas blogg http://beccarogers.blogspot.com/ I always enjoy her enthusiasm and love for writing. I’m also following Jamie Blair http://jamieblair.blogspot.com and I worked a bit more on the Dr. Monroe story.
Thursday, April 8, 2010
Thursday, April 8, 2010 -Happiness
It was a gorgeous day out and I was fortunate enough to have been able to spend it with Elli. We did a little shopping and latter took a walk around the parks near the condo then took a little nap. The parks are about the only thing I’m going to miss about this neighborhood when I moved but the area that Elli and I are moving to also has parks and running trails. Elli left for her girlfriends house this evening and I’m going to get some reading and writing done and call Evey to touch base with her.
Wednesday, April 7, 2010
Wednesday, April 7, 2010- Coordinating
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
Tuesday, April 6th, 2010 the Wolf?

Tuesday, April 6th, 2010 the Wolf?
Elli suggested changing the title of one of my writings originally entitled the Wolf to better reflect her latter contribution to the work. The idea was to better reflect Our Work. I don’t have a problem with that after all I simply named it after the last name of the person doing the presentation in the story. Elli suggested Savage Creatures, Polarized Gravity, Magnetic Thrust or Praying Mantis. I was playing around with Aggressive Passion, Sadistic Intentions, Desire Me or Inflicted Emotion. I don’t know, the Wolf is so simple… Anyway, here is the writing. Yes it’s true, yes it’s has adult content and yes it will offend somebody, at some point, somewhere, so stop reading now…
the Wolf
His version Jan 31st 10
We had a great time at the role-playing class with Julian Wolf. My head was spinning with ideas as we drove home. I had several hours before I had to leave and was looking forward to our time together. Clayton had been in a weird mood all day, but I was learning to become accustomed to the ups and downs. I was just hoping that that his mood wouldn’t spoil the rest of the day.
I longed for the warmth of her cunt but my intentions would be cold and cruel like the merciless winter wind. I would treat her like the sex toy she was, temporary and disposable.
I take her deep within the belly of my lair where candles fight back the shadows of brutality and incense lingers in the air. Poor thing probably thought we were going to have a romantic interlude as I lead her to the bed and laid her down. At first I kiss her gently, then I grab a handful of hair and yank it hard. I look her in the eyes and smile thinking, “I’m going to enjoy each and every minute of this bitch!” I kiss her again, this time I press hard on her lips and thrust my tongue deep in her mouth. She is mine for the taking. I rise up above her, I am the predator and she is my prey. I slap her hard on both sides of her face before forcing my cock in-between her legs. There is nothing nice or gentle upon this night of loathing, only brute force and the relentless pounding of my fist and cock upon her battered and bruised body. My hands are tight around her throat, as I become a jackhammer between her legs, and the sweat of my rage drips upon her forehead.
I take my cock out and look her in the eyes before grabbing her arm tightly, standing her up and shoving her over to the far wall. I grab a handful of hair and yank it hard before forcing my tongue deep into her mouth. I want her to remember just how anger tastes. I pull away quickly and slap her on the face hard, then grab her fragile neck tightly with my right hand. I watch her closely like a hawk. If I cut the blood flow off for a short time she merely passes out, but if I cut the blood flow off a little longer… she dies. Her life is firmly in my hands. I can see her consciousness withdraw and her body begins to wither. I snatch a hand full of hair and force her mouth open and thrust my cock in. She sucks it with the passion of an experienced lover. I pull my cock out and slap her face again before bending her over the bed. I remove my belt and begin to give her violent lashings on her sweet ass, for not deep throating my cock to my complete likening. Elli tries to squirm away so I hit her harder. She doesn’t move until I say she moves and not a second sooner!
I grab her hips and fuck her doggie style over the side of the bed, with a complete disregard for her pleasure or her pain. She is here to serve me at my leisure. Her needs are secondary if at all. I pull my cock out again and push her up all the way onto the bed and roll her over before mounting her in the missionary position. I fuck her hard and fast, slapping her repeatedly. I pause only to choke her, letting her feel my strength. I stand her up again and drag her to the wall. She can barely stand at this point, but that doesn’t really matter. She’ll be on her knees soon enough. My fists bury themselves on the side of her body. I brace one side of her face and slap the other thoroughly enjoying her whimper. Then I grab my belt and wrap it firmly around her neck, pulling tightly. The muscles in my forearms bulge and I grit my teeth in delight as her face reddens. I loosen the belt from her neck before she looses complete consciousness and she falls to her knees where she belongs.
I grab the back of her head and force her to deep throat my cock. As my rock hard cock reaches the back of her throat, she can’t help but to gag. She attempts to pull back, but I force her to go deeper onto my cock. Back and forth, she’s not done until I say she’s done! I want to explode in her mouth but I’m not done fucking her yet. I grab her head with both of my hands and bring her down hard on my cock. She gags again this time, puking on my cock and the floor. This carelessness act on her part might have detracted from any other scene, but today it simply adds to the debauchery. So, without even wiping my cock off I toss her face forward onto the bed and enter her from behind. I grab a handful of hair and pull her head back, holding it tight as I fuck her hard and deep. Her moans are of pleasure and of pain and I love every minute of it. I drag her further up the bed and roll her back over and fuck her in the missionary position again. I need to see her face as my cock pounds relentlessly deep within her cunt. I want to see her pay homage to the decadence of our experience as I become as a raging bull. I am in the moment. This one is mine to own.
I pull my cock out of her dripping wet cunt and insert the first two of my five fingers. Her hips respond by a hypnotic dance as moans echo off the chamber walls. I insert the rest of my fingers and begin to drive my hand in with more force. “Good girl” I say as push my entire hand deeper. She moans louder. The motion of her hips becomes more pronounced as my fisting becomes more forceful. She begins to struggle a bit, so I wrap my left arm around her waist, and pull her body down on my fist. I am fisting her harder and faster and pinning her body down with my left shoulder. Her breath quickens and I can hear her heart beat in the room. Oh, how I love to fist fuck her! My closed fist hits her cervices repeatedly, sending her into a wild erotic frenzy! Harder, faster, deeper my fist is buried deep within her cunt and I become the god of ecstasy, a whirlwind of unbridled desire. Even I, in my brute strength can no-longer hold her still, so I withdraw my fist from its favorite place and stick my cock back in. Her cunt is warm, wet and all embracing. Every man’s dream! I fuck her hard and rough, like a beast in the field. My fury explodes deep within her as our essences mingle in the fire, which is our passion. I pull my cock out, and again insert two fingers that find their way to her g-spot. With a constant flicker, I summon her longing to come hither. Her hips are up in the air, and she grabs the damp sheet with both hands. Her leg muscles tighten and her breath quickens. She embraces the holy rapture with every inch of her body, and her being ascends unto the heavens. Her ejaculation is like a wellspring of bliss… the fountain of youth.
As I etch this memory upon her mind for all eternity, and transform it into words for all to see. I am again reminded how much I love her, and how fortunate I am to have her in my life. I am here, now, alive within the flesh. One with my desire.
Her version Jan 31st 10
We had a great time at the role-playing class with Julian Wolf. My head is spinning with ideas as we drive home. I have several hours before I had to leave and am looking forward to our time together. Clayton has been in a weird mood all day, but I am learning to become accustomed to the ups and downs. I am just hoping that his mood wouldn’t spoil the rest of the day.
He takes me down into his room. A place I have come to love. It’s simple and spare…and dark, just like him.
He lays me back on the bed then leans back and looks at me. The look in his eyes sends a shiver of anticipation down my spine. He leans in for a kiss and I breath deep, smelling the head sent that is his breath. I gasp as he grabs my hair and yanks hard. I look up at the evil glint in his eye and think, “ Yay!! This is going to be fun!” He kisses me again. This time aggressively. Then he slaps my face. Hard. He’s never hit me so hard before. I feel the jolt of it all the way down my spine as my face stings and burns. I look up at him again, and at this point I realize. He had let go. He wasn’t going to hold back this time. There would be no making love, not even the rough, earth shattering sex we had come to love so much. He was going to fuck me and beat me, as long and as hard as I could take. Would he push me past my limits? God I hoped so! In the reverberating pause after the ringing bell of my realization, my only thought was “Ahh, Finally!”
He mounts me quickly, using his hands around my throat to pull me down onto his cock. I love when he chokes me! My face begins to turn red, but he lets go and slaps my face before the blood can drain away, making my eyes tear. He fucks me so hard the bed moves. Sliding a good foot away from the wall with the momentum of his thrusts. Suddenly, he pulls out. I am left aching at the loss of him between my legs. Before I can think, he grabs my arm and drags me out of the bed. I see where we are going as I try to get my feet under me. We’ve been here before and I’m looking forward to it! He slams my back against the wall and I pliantly stay where he wishes. I know I’ll get what I want if I’m just patient. He grabs my hair, pulling me up on my toes as he kisses me. He pulls away fast and slaps me again with force. I begin to cry. It REALLY hurts. I wonder idly if my face will bruise. In this moment I can’t make myself care and I’m certainly not going to call a stop! He wraps his hand around my neck once again squeezing tight. It feels good, but I want more. He moves his hand just slightly and hits my cordid artery. “There it is.” My head begins to buzz deliciously and the world goes fuzzy. I watch my hand on his shoulder slow slide down this arm as my visions begins to tunnel. Suddenly, he releases and breath comes rushing in.
He grabs my hair and pushes me down, presenting me with his erect cock. I can taste my fluids on him, as I take him into the back of my throat. Oral is not my favorite, but I know how much he loves it, and so I suck eagerly as my earlier tears still tremble on my cheeks. Suddenly, he pulls out of my reach. Swinging back for another blow to my face. My tears spring fresh. He pulls me up and tosses me over the end of the bed. I think he’s going to fuck me again, but instead he pulls off his belt. Peaking over my shoulder I see, and brace myself. I’m ready for anything, or so I think. He swings back and puts his whole arm into the blow. It bites like fire! I shriek and cry, clinging desperately to the bed. I love a good beating, but in the past I’ve always been restrained. Now I’m free to move, to escape if I dare. My will keeps me attached to the bed, but I can’t NOT move. Despite my best efforts to stay still, I try to squirm away from the lash as more fire falls. Fortunately, he doesn’t have the patients to beat me for long. He’d much rather get back to fucking me. Next, he pushes me up on the bed and onto my knees. I love being fucked from behind and push my hips back into him as he slams into my cervics over and over. I’m still light headed from the breath play, and have now had so many orgasms, that I feel light and weak. My tears are so thick that as I can’t see as he pushes me down all the way onto the bed and rolls me over. He slaps my face again and again as he continues to fuck me. I feel my lip start to swell and the bruises to rise. The only relief is when he pauses to choke me, cutting off my whole body sobs. Each time he swings back to strike, I cringe now. The only thing keeping me from calling red is my stubborn determination not to give in. ”You can beat the shit out of me, but I wont come give in. I wont call out to save myself”, I think. I would have smiled if my face didn’t hurt so much. I wonder idly in the back of my head weather he would stop if I passed out? While my mind wanders, he grabs me again and drags me off the bed. I’m mildly surprised to find my feet don’t work right as he pushes me against the wall. He has to hold me in place to keep me upright. My hair is in my face, being held there by snot from my crying. I want to move it out of the way so I can see him, but before I get a chance, he punches me in the side as well as on my already weak legs. “REALLY!” I think in sarcastic disgust. “I mean he’s already holding me up! Oh well, more work for him.” I think with satisfaction as more sobs rack me. He braces my face and slaps me again! I let out a whimper. I guess he can’t see how much bruising there is in the dark. I’m going to really take great pleasure in his discomfort when he does see it later. He grabs his belt again, and expecting more lashes I cringe. Instead he wraps it around my neck. My crying cuts off quickly with my breath. I don’t care about not being able to breath. It’s the buzzing that cutting the blood flow creates that I love, and the belt hits the spot just right! I don’t even feel like I’m chocking. There is no pain. The world just narrows down to a small point as darkness eats the edges and the buzzing increases. My body goes liquid as the world fades and darkness encloses. I don’t even feel myself fall. He releases the belt and grabs my arm, halting my fall before I’m even fully to the floor. I feel a small surge of disappointment as the world comes rushing back.
He tries to set me on my knees, but my body is still to liquid and I fall back not caring. He pulls me up again holding me in place this time until I find my balance. His cock is before my eyes, but my mind is still far away, so he pushes his way into my mouth. The feel of his cock, and the jolt at the back of my throat as he thrusts, provides an anchor back to reality. Suddenly, my mind kicks in and I join him in the motion, taking him as deep as I can. He grabs the back of my head and presses me far down on his cock, not letting me come up for air. I begin to choke, feeling my bile rise. He lets up and I try to swallow it back down, but can’t since his cock is still in the way. He pulls away, stepping back as bile and our lunch comes pouring out. I think sadly of the good food we had enjoyed. He pulls me to my feet and I think he’ll give me a towel to wipe my self off before we continue, but not today. My whole front is covered and it runs down my leg. I try to hold myself just above the bed as he pushes me down and forward; not wanting to get the mess on the sheets and make him anymore angry than he already is. He forces me down anyway. “Oh well,” I think as the mess rubs off, “At least its not on ME anymore”. I don’t stay there long though as he pulls me back up to fuck me doggy style again. He grabs my hair arching my back and neck. The bed is moving again with the force of his fucking. He roughly shoves it back into place as he rolls me over and climbs atop me again. I’m moaning and sobbing at the same time now. The sounds are almost the indistinguishable.
He pulls out of me once more, gentler now. He sits between my legs and quickly finds my G-spot with two fingers. Moaning I lift my hips in the air, arching to give him better access to that magic spot. But he doesn’t stay there long. Soon all the fingers are in. He calls me “Good girl”, as his hand picks up more rhythm. In and out, going a little further with each trip it makes. I begin to move with him, making the passage easier. The tears are all gone, and my moans begin to change to guttural animal sounds as he slips in past the wrist. It’s too intense! I can’t hold still, and begin to writhe on the bed, disturbing his motion. He leans forward and traps me with his shoulder, while holding on for dear life with one arm. He is punch fucking me violently now, his fist moving freely in and out as my orgasms open me up. He holds on by a thread. We both know that in the throws of orgasms this intense, I could easily dislodge him and knock him to the floor. Before I do this against my will he stops, but before I can catch my breath he mounts me one last time. Every nerve is alive from the fisting, and I come screaming from the depths of my soul as we both melt into the abyss. I shiver as he pulls out; his come pouring out behind him. I am incoherent, and couldn’t move if the bed caught fire. This of course, he decides, is the perfect time for one last transcendent orgasm. I’m truly not sure I have another on in me, but my body responds to his skillful working of my G-spot. He loves to watch, so once again I lift my hips, giving him a better view while meeting his finger strokes with my own motion. The noises coming out of my mouth barely sound human. More a sound of pain, than pleasure. I think at some point though, when the pleasure becomes too intense the sounds become the same. I cling to the bed with my upper body, while the rest of me is beyond control. I’m so far gone in orgasm that I don’t even feel my ejaculation. My nerves are too over loaded. It’s all blinding whiteness. As he finally lets me go and my body falls limply to the bed, the only thought in my head is, “My god! That’s as closes to perfection as we’ve ever come.
Monday, April 5, 2010
Monday, April 5, 2010 Elli & Evey
I had a good night with Elli we watched “Bella loves Jenna” which was not as good as “Fetish Circus” but it was pretty good nonetheless. We didn’t have the Earth shattering sex that we have become so accustomed to because my hand is still healing but it felt good to be in her. Hopefully I’ll be able to set up a date with Evey latter on this week, perhaps going out to a club then back to her new apartment. Fortunately Elli and Evey get along and Elli is very supportive of my new relationship.
Sunday, April 4, 2010
Sunday, April 4, 2010 Scheduling
I spoke to Elli on the phone; she was heading back from Amy’s house on way back to work. She had a great night with Amy and was able to relax and decompress from the long week. She said that Amy might try to do a short sale of her house and get something closer to Denver. That arrangement would work out good for the both of them.
The conversation got me thinking about Amy coming over to the new place and spending the night once a week. I don’t have an issue with that but I would also prefer that Elli spend at least one night during the week with her as well. This would provide two things. One, Amy and Elli would get an additional night together at Amy’s place and I would get a night completely alone to myself, that I really need. Elli has said many times that when I wanted time alone to myself in our new place that all I have to do is let her know and she’ll stay in her own room. That’s cool and all and I appreciate that but there is a big difference at least for me about staying in your room and not being in the apartment at all. Not to mention that if I want to bring a significant other over to spend the night it would be easier for me if we were alone. I’m newer to the whole poly relationship dynamics then either Amy or Elli and I’m still feeling my way through much of the emotional maze that this new relationship dynamic offers. Initially I think it would be easier for me to bond with someone if we were completely alone. I think when I get a new job it will be easier for me to do the same allowing Elli and Amy a free night at our place. Scheduling plays an important part in poly relationships and with this new living arrangement (Elli and I are moving in an apartment together with separate rooms) it will be even more important that we continue to communicate and pay close attention to scheduling.