Saturday, June 26, 2010

Wednesday May 26 2010 What's it like to be a woman?

I had a few different Dr. appointments today but the most important was seeing DR. Grossman of the Male Care Center. He has been the only Doctor that I have seen that gave me a full examination, ran thorough blood work and listen to my concerns about how I felt.

The original problem began at birth. I was born with a bilateral hernia (both testicals were up inside of me) and while the testis sometimes descend on their own, mine never did. This caused a huge hormonal imbalance that was not addressed until my first of three surgeries beginning when I was thirteen. At first I had know idea that my testicals never descended and then I was terrible embarrassed that my friends had balls and I had none. I secretly hoped that they would magical appear but they never did.

The majority of circulating testosterone in men comes from production in the interstitial cells of Leydig at the testicles and since one of my testis were floating up inside of me and the other was imbedded in a muscle, my body primarily relied on the adrenal gland that could only produce a small amount of testosterone. The regulation of testicular production occurs via a negative feedback loop system involving the anterior pituitary, hypothalamus, and testicles; referred to as the hypothalamic-pituitary-testicular axis. The situation surrounding my bi-lateral hernia interfered with this feedback loop and slowly created a huge imbalance between the male testosterone hormone and the female estrogen hormone.

By the time I reached my preteens I “felt” inwardly like a female though outwardly I was obviously male. I preferred anal simulation to masturbation and derived great pleasure from self preformed fellatio. I was found of dressing up in bra’s, panties and high heels spending hours dressing up in front of a mirror or pouring over pornography and identifying as the woman. I felt extremely guilty and terrible confused I was undergoing a severe sexual identity crises and I couldn’t talk to anyone about it. I didn’t know how important the male testosterone hormone and the female estrogen hormone played out both in n internal sexual identification and physical genital formation after all I was a kid not even a teenager yet. For all knew I was a sinful freak of nature.

It was only after years of undergoing horrific pain that I would feel in my right side while running during gym class that finally lead me to approach my mother and demand going to see a Doctor. After a routine physical by a family practitioner I was immediately referred to a urologist. I never revealed to the urologist about my sexual identity struggle instead I kept this struggle a secret until my twenties and even then I watered down my concern. Meanwhile the urologist scheduled a surgery to correct this physical problem, time it seemed was of the essence. It was imperative that we attempt to save at least one testical though the outlook was not very good. The testicals work best a few degrees below the core temperature, one of the reasons they are located outside the body.

The plan for the initial surgery was to take down both testis but because the right side alone took over 12 hours (the testical was imbedded in a muscle) we had to reschedule the left side. I can honestly say that the pain I felt after the first surgery was by far the most pain I have felt during the entire course of my life. I have had Staph infection in my left arm and almost lost it and had the tip of my left finger chopped off but nothing compares to the pain I felt during the first hernia operation.

After the operation I had to be given testosterone shots for a few weeks because my testosterone levels were so low. I also had other shots to help kick start my testicals natural production, the doctors kept their fingers crossed. Months passed as we waited to see if the testical would take and it did. The testical was abnormally small but the little guy was producing testosterone. At age thirteen I began puberty as a male. Mentally I “felt” different then before, I guess you could say I felt like a guy and looked like a guy but I missed, even longed to be female. It’s difficult enough to go through puberty much less juggling your sexual identity and preference. I was born in a small city in Wyoming it was very much the Wild West. When I was a teen the minorities lived on the other side of town, we didn’t have openly gay people and I had no clue what transgender or transsexual were. All I knew is that I felt really, really fucked up in my head and I could never dream of talking about it to anyone so I suffered alone year after year. Meanwhile an attempt was made to bring down my left testical but it didn’t take and so I went through a third operation were they finally removed the left testical and replaced it with a prosthesis.

Tough my right side testical was producing testosterone my over all testosterone levels were on the low side and the doctors said that there would probably come a time when I would have to under go hormone replacement therapy but there was no clear indication as to when. Though I didn’t have a clue what a bi sexual was I spent my early teen years self medicating and sexually experimenting with girls and boys as I desperately tried to figure out if I was male, female or simply homosexual. Though I identified as a female during sex with males I was not really attracted to them. I enjoyed having an orgasm with a women but I didn’t really feel like a guy when I was having sex with them. I became even more confused. In my late teens something happen like a switched had been flipped. It was if one day I woke up and had been stripped of all things feminine. I thought like a guy, I felt like a guy and I fucked like a guy. I didn’t miss being a girl at all it was if my entire past was just a weird dream and nothing more. I spent the next few years with sexual clarity and no confusion but I began to have issues with homosexuals and suspected transvestites as my subconscious still struggled with who I was and who I had become.

In my mid twenties something familiar yet odd was happening again. I began to associate with a feminine self mentally with thoughts and especially sexually. Physically it “felt” like I was a female though I had a surprising well-developed penis. In a round about way I expressed concern about this to a doctor and explained my past operations so he did a testosterone test and while it did not come back extremely low, he didn’t think to run my estrogen level. Mind over matter I thought, so I denied how I “felt” as best I could and continued to self medicate. By my mid thirties I was pleasuring myself regularly anally and identified sexually with a woman. I was struggling with many things in my life during this period of time and being worried about turning into a woman was not in the forefront of my attention.

In my late thirties I entered into a completely new state of mental being, gender neutral. I didn’t really associate my self mentally or physically with a man or a woman. I went back to the doctor this time a female doctor explained the past operations and that internally and thought wise I didn’t feel right. When my testosterone test came back low but acceptable I asked to be referred to a specialist and was denied so I paid for one myself.

Enter present day with Grossman of the Male Care Center. I told him about my past and without nearly as much detail as here I told him of my past sexual and identity issues. He gave me a full examination, ran thorough blood work and listen to my concerns about how I felt. He went over treatment options and gave me a testosterone shot and told me I was very fortunate to have a fully developed penis. Most men with a similar issue have an under developed penis that is very small. I silently cursed the heavens I could have been John Holmes if my testicals would have descended! Well at least I still have a sense of humor.

Monday May 24, 2010

I spend the day with Ana (older) running errands and talking. The last few days have been very stressful for her. She didn’t give me a kiss hi or goodbye and though she did kneel at my feet at one point something extremely significant given the issues surrounding her former relationship she was for most of our time together distant.

Sunday May 23, 2010 Eve

I went to eat with Evey and then went to Confluence Park to watch the fire dancers. We held each other close and I felt connected to her. I was very thankful that I was able to spend time with her. When I dropped her off at her apartment I wanted to give her kiss but didn’t and simply departed with a hug.

Evey has issues with kissing from past relationships because it is a very intimate experience for her and the act makes her feel vulnerable. It’s true that in relationships people are intimate and can feel vulnerable however relationships can’t be forced and patience is a virtue. I’m not in a rush with my relationship with Evey after all she has stealth dated me for over six months so in the big scheme of things what’s a few more months?

Sunday Morning May 23, 2010 What I learned…

That each of us is human and no matter how loving or devoted, we all make mistakes.

Even though things are communicated in advance life does not always unfold according to plan.

Trust my emotion more, especially in the moment because if it doesn’t feel right it probably isn’t. I can always apologize latter if I am wrong but I cannot undo reality.

That I desire very solid and deep relationships first and foremost as opposed to casual sex. I’ve had a lot of sex in my life but few meaningful relationships.

Elli loves me very, very much and wouldn’t dream of deliberately sabotaging our relationship.

Rules of Engagement

Communicate with your significant other concerning expectations and boundaries before meeting with others.

The first meeting with others should be during the day, the earlier the better and should be over coffee or tea and provides an easy out should you need one.

Avoid alcohol consumption it interferes with social filters, awareness and inhibitions.

Lay down expectations for everyone up front.

Reinforce expectations.

If something deep down doesn’t feel right address it in the moment you may never get a seconded chance.

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Saturday May 22, 2010

The nightmare of last night has becomes today’s reality. I could with my talent put my thoughts and feelings into words but I simply don’t want the world to know. Something’s should never be written down or spoken aloud.

Friday May 21, 2010-swinger couple

Amy, Elli and myself ventured to the Milkbar on Broadway to meet a swinger couple. Will call them Ted and Liz. The initial meeting was to see if there was any chemistry between us and if so Elli and I were going to talk latter as to how far we wanted to explore the whole swinging concept as it differs greatly from poly. The Milkbar is a hip little club but as it turned out it was closed on Fridays so we decided to go next door to club Vinyl. It was 18 and over and very crowed. Though I did enjoy a few beers I paced myself because when meeting new people especially for our purposes its important to have your social filters in place. Elli drank only a few drinks as well but she hand hadn’t eaten earlier and the effects of the alcohol were more pronounced. Ted and Liz didn’t get the club until much latter and what should have been a rather simple, relaxed test the waters evening turned into a rather heavy touch and kiss session between Elli and Ted.

Ted and Liz hadn’t been there at the club that long and I only was able to talk to Ted for about ten minutes before Elli planted herself on his lap and stick her tongue down his throat, where it stayed. I could see that Amy was uncomfortable with the situation and after all who could blame her it was technically Amy and Elli’s date night (Elli double booked) and I was equally becoming uncomfortable as well. I really felt as if Elli was being very rude and obnoxious with her actions going from 0 to 60 in twenty minutes without ever-consulting Amy or myself and ignoring us both. Even my attempt at pulling Elli aside and telling her to slow down and not to ignore Amy failed. I was hurt and angry and though I felt some jealousy the main thing I was feeling was a powerful and overwhelming sense of abandonment. Elli was doing whatever she wanted despite our prior plan she was breaking my trust right in front of me adding insult to injury. I was devastated but my friend anger came quickly to my aid and fury flowed through my veins. I managed to pry Elli out of the club and get her into the car. It was a long miserable ride home and eventually I got tired of yelling. If I had driven my car I would have made the bitch walk. I hadn’t been that angry and hurt in over a decade. When we got back to our apartment complex I took the scenic route back to the apartment I desperately needed time to cool off and collect my thoughts. My sleep was short and restless I didn’t want to have to face the day.