I had a date with Renee and met her at her house and talked to her husband about the Denver Sanctuary & ManCODE. Then I took Renee downtown and we walked on the 16th street mall and ate lunch at the Tilted Kilt where we both enjoyed the eye candy think lots of cleavage and short plaid mini skirts!!! We talked about my poly relationships and her past relationships as well as our relationship prior to her leaving from Europe. She said that the thought of me being with other women made her jealous while the thought of her husband being with another man or women didn’t make her jealous at all. I asked her why that was? Did she think my feelings for her changed when I was with someone else? Did she feel that she was competing or perhaps being abandoned? She said she really didn’t know but she promised to put some thought into it. Jealously is a natural human emotion and occurs for various reasons and its crucial in poly relationships that this emotion is addresses quickly, openly and honestly. You will learn a lot about yourself and improve your relationships by experiencing, understanding and communicating. We held hands for the first time in well over a year but it seemed as if it were only yesterday. After we ate I drove her back to her house and went to visit my seconded date of the day Ana.
I arrived on time to Ana’s and I was really looking forward to having some really good sex but she was shy this evening in a schoolgirl sort of way it was actually pretty erotic come to think about it. We went out to dinner and talked then took her dog for a walk before curling up on her bed and watching some youtube videos until it was time for me to pick up Elli.
I picked up Elli at her job and we went back to our apartment. She asked me how my dates were then we enjoyed some really great sex.
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